The power of collective energy at work
The power of collective energy at work

Tue. February 11, 12:00PM

The power of collective energy at work

Reviving belonging to combat workplace fatigue.

In France, 34% of employees report suffering from work exhaustion, a growing trend worldwide as work becomes a significant factor in existential fatigue. Accelerating demands, fragmented tasks, increased individualisation, and relentless performance pressure contribute to this crisis.

In such a landscape, companies hold the potential to be part of the solution. By fostering a sense of belonging and emphasising collectivity, workplaces can reignite energy, boost inspiration, and help employees find balance.

How did we arrive at this point of widespread fatigue? Why has the collective dimension in the workplace been neglected? Most importantly, how can it be revived?

This workshop, led by management and leadership coach Gilone de Maigret and Denis Pennel, a renowned expert when it comes to working environments, explores these pressing questions. It is based on a book the two co-authored on the topic: ‘50 Conseils pour retrouver de l’énergie’ (‘50 tips to regain your energy’).

Don’t miss this opportunity to optimise your work-life balance and work performance.

The conversation will be followed by a book signing of “50 Conseils pour retrouver de l’énergie" (Editions Eyrolles, 2024). A sale organised by UOPC bookshop. 


Gilone de Maigret

Gilone de Maigret is a management and leadership coach and trainer. She supports executives, managers and their teams in their search for a fluid, fulfilling work environment. Through innovative approaches, she mobilises her energy to support the personal and professional fulfillment of individuals.


Denis Pennel

Denis Pennel is a recognised expert on the world of work. As a speaker and author of several best-selling books, he breaks new ground in the field of human resources. He teaches at Sciences Po Paris and is a regular speaker for APM (Association progrès du management).
Tue. February 11, 12:00PM
Tue. February 11, 2:00PM
TheMerode Talks
French (BE) / Français (BE)
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Place Poelaert, 6
1000 Brussels
Parking Poelaert, Place Poelaert 1000 Brussels

Detailed programme

Welcome and light lunch
Tue. February 11, 12:00PM
Tue. February 11, 12:30PM
Tue. February 11, 2:00PM

Past Event