Be uplifted by inspiring renowned speakers
Fri. January 24, 8:00AM
Fri. January 24, 12:00PM
Mon. January 27, 12:15PM
Goedele Bartholomeeusen
a holistic programme with a twist
Our community is curious about the world, comes from a range of fields, and possesses a passion for knowledge. That’s why our programme spans subjects, angles, fields and formats to bring you new perspectives on topics from art to tech to business to spirituality.
We create unexpected alchemies thanks to disruptive moderators. We programme around the most pressing issues of tomorrow’s world and we search for the uniqueness and untold stories from each of our highly curated speakers. Behind our line-up of events is our exceptional events curation team, always looking forward, with an international perspective.
Fri. January 24, 8:00AM
Fri. January 24, 12:00PM
Mon. January 27, 12:15PM
Goedele Bartholomeeusen
Mon. January 27, 6:30PM
Renée DiResta
Tue. January 28, 6:30PM
Kriticos Mwansa
Tue. January 28, 6:30PM
Cristina Beltrami
Astrid Malingreau
Wed. January 29, 6:30PM
Achraf Tiouali
Fri. January 31, 12:00PM