Harmonizing Economy with Ecology: The Symbiotic Path
Harmonizing Economy with Ecology: The Symbiotic Path
Sustainability & Ecology

Tue. February 27, 6:30PM

Harmonizing Economy with Ecology: The Symbiotic Path

An evening talk exploring Ecological Synergy with Isabelle Delannoy and Patrick Samama President and Co-Founder of L’Entreprise Symbiotique.

Join us and explore the revolutionary concept of the Symbiotic Economy. Isabelle Delannoy and Patrick Samama will present their radical economic theory, capable of aligning human well-being with ecosystem health.

Delving into the fusion of permaculture, circular economy and peer-to-peer economics, this event is a deep dive into how various innovative techniques can merge to astonishingly reduce material use while boosting territorial productivity.

Learn about the concept of Symbiotic Economy that doesn't just theorize but actively transforms businesses across sectors into models of economic, ecological, and social efficiency.


Isabelle Delannoy

Isabelle Delannoy is an agronomist engineer and international speaker with 30 years of dedication to ecological issues. Author of "Home" (2009) and "The Symbiotic Economy" (2017), she highlights the global emergence of regenerative ecosystem economies. Co-founder of L’entreprise symbiotique, Isabelle works towards ecological, economic, and social regeneration through training, action research, and the development of appropriate tools and communication. She, along with her associate Patrick Samama, initiated the Symbiotic Fund, promoting a new symbiosis between planetary balance and human progress.


Patrick Samama is a celebrated creative director from top advertising agencies, a filmmaker, and former vice-president of a major universalist anti-racist association. He crafted a unique ecosystem-based communication approach, aligned with symbiotic economic principles. Co-founder of L’entreprise symbiotique with Isabelle Delannoy, Patrick focuses on accelerating the transition to regenerative economies. He also contributed to establishing the Symbiotic Fund, championing a new civilizational project harmonizing planetary equilibria with human advancement.


Laurent Ledoux

Laurent Ledoux is the Manager of "Philosophie & Management" association in Brussels and was previously President of the Executive Committee at Federal Ministry for Mobility & Transports in Belgium. He was Head of Public Banking for BNP Paribas Fortis, Chief of Staff for the Minister of Higher Education & Scientific Research, Director P&O for the Federal Ministry of Economy, Partner for Arthur D. Little, Project Manager for the European Commission (Privatisations in Former Soviet Union), Mergers & Acquisitions for ING (then BBL) and Finance & HR Director for MSF in Mozambique.
Tue. February 27, 6:30PM
Tue. February 27, 9:00PM
TheMerode Talks
English (US)
Guest allowed?
Yes, 1 per member


Place Poelaert, 6
1000 Brussels
Parking Poelaert, Place Poelaert 1000 Brussels

Detailed programme

Tue. February 27, 6:30PM
Conference and Q&A
Tue. February 27, 7:00PM
Networking at TheStables
Tue. February 27, 8:15PM
Tue. February 27, 9:00PM

Past Event