Fair game: Art Antwerp guided visits
Fair game: Art Antwerp guided visits

Sat. December 14, 11:15AM

Fair game: Art Antwerp guided visits

Join us for a curated insider tour of Art Antwerp’s 4th edition. In French, Dutch and English.

Art fairs can be hard to navigate - but thankfully we are here to guide you through the jungle. As part of our lasting partnership with Belgium’s major art fairs, we are delighted to invite you to join one of our insider tours (available in English, French, and Dutch) for a curated, in-depth experience of Art Antwerp, which is still a bit of a newbie in the international fair calendar.

Since December 2021, Art Brussels, the Belgian capital’s long-standing, reputed art fair leaves its home once a year to descend upon Antwerp, a testament to the Flemish city’s vibrant, burgeoning art scene.

With its exclusive format - a committee selects galleries on an invitation-only basis - Art Antwerp is a true boutique fair of a more intimate nature fostering personal connections between collectors, art lovers, curators, artists and galleries and encouraging meaningful conversations.

Naturally, the large majority of the 68 participants stems from Belgium, but galleries from France, Germany, the UK and other European countries make for an international mix.

Don’t miss the 4th edition of Art Antwerp!

Sat. December 14, 11:15AM
Sat. December 14, 1:00PM
Beyond the Walls
Guest allowed?


Antwerp Expo
Jan van Rijswijcklaan 191
2020 Antwerp
Parking Poelaert, Place Poelaert 1000 Brussels

Detailed programme

Sat. December 14, 11:15AM
Guided tour
Sat. December 14, 11:30AM
Sat. December 14, 1:00PM

Past Event