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Doing business in a finite world with Patagonia
Business & Economy

Mon. May 13, 7:00PM

Doing business in a finite world with Patagonia

Join the conversation with the Head of Patagonia Philosophy, Vincent Stanley and Erik Gómez-Baggethun, expert in Environmental Governance.

In a world where businesses both impact and are impacted by environmental and social challenges, it's crucial to embrace new paradigms for positive change. TheMerode, in partnership with Group 2030, invites you to an engaging discussion on transforming businesses into catalysts for sustainable progress.

Join us to hear from Erik Gomez Baggethun, who will explore post-growth economics. Vincent Stanley of Patagonia, who has been integral to aligning the company’s structure with its environmental mission, will join us via video call for the evening. This conversation aims to inspire actionable insights for a thriving planet and business. Join us at TheMerode for this vital dialogue.


Erik is Professor of Environmental Governance at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, a Senior Advisor at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, and a Senior Visiting Researcher at the University of Oxford. His research covers various themes in ecological economics and the sustainability sciences, fields in which he has produced >150 scientific publications and policy reports. With more than 30.000 citations, Erik features since 2018 in Clarivate’s list of the Most Highly Cited researchers globally in the field of Economics and Finance, which has earned him a position amongst the world's most influential researchers. He is a lead author of the reports The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity and The Diverse Values and valuation of nature of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services (IPBES).


Vincent Stanley

Vincent has been an integral part of Patagonia since its beginning in 1973, assuming key executive roles such as Head of Sales and Head of Marketing. Currently, he is working as the Director of Philosophy of Patagonia. He helped develop Our Footprint, which outlines the social and environmental impact of Patagonia’s products. His work has appeared in Best American Poetry and he is co-author with Yvon Chouinard of “The Responsible Company”. In addition, he is Patagonia’s long-time Chief Storyteller and a resident fellow at the Yale Center for Business and Environment.
Mon. May 13, 7:00PM
Mon. May 13, 9:00PM
TheMerode Talks
Guest allowed?
Yes, 1 per member


Place Poelaert, 6
1000 Brussels
Parking Poelaert, Place Poelaert 1000 Brussels

Detailed programme

Mon. May 13, 7:00PM
Mon. May 13, 7:30PM
Mon. May 13, 9:00PM

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