Tue. February 4, 6:30PM
A conversation between political scientist Asma Mhalla, technology ethicist Louis de Diesbach and philosopher Simon Brunfaut.
“All these technologies are supported by actors who have ideological agendas and are waging real underlying cultural battles. Their black box is not algorithmic, it is political”, Asma Mhalla, political scientist and author of the book ‘Technopolitique’ told L’Echo.
Together with Louis de Diesbach, a technology ethicist, and Simon Brunfaut, journalist and philosophy professor, Asma Mhalla will delve into how the Silicon Valley and its Big Tech players try to exert political power.
As the US are preparing for a new Trump administration influenced by Elon Musk, the discussion will explore how technology conveys a vision of the world that redefines the public sphere and shifts power away from democratic values. What remains of the democratic ideal in the age of global tech oligarchs? Can we reclaim collective narratives in the face of overwhelming technological influence?
Join us for a timely and thought-provoking conversation.